Book 4 of the Dark Protector Series
CONSUMED is about Katie and Jordan’s story.
Sometimes You Mate For Life
Katie Smith is the best of her class, part of an elite
hunting force trained to eliminate werewolves from the hills of Western Virginia.
She’s good at it because she has the kind of focus and drive that won’t back
down no matter how steep the odds. Call it southern sass. Whatever it is,
there’s no denying her willingness to risk everything for the only man she’s
ever cared about–a man on the verge of losing his very humanity. . .
Sometimes You Mate To Stay Alive
For the past ten years Jordan Pride has dedicated his life
to protecting his people from a deadly shifter virus. But in a rare moment of
distraction, Jordan’s guard drops just long enough for his fate to take an
irreversible twist. Unless the woman he loves surrenders everything to him,
again and again, under a full moon rising. . .
“I have a meeting, too.” He levered to his feet. Regret
flashed bright through his dark eyes. “I, this, we…this shouldn’t have
happened. I’m sorry.” His hands shook. “Be ready tomorrow.”
Chapter 1
Last Week
As nights went, it wasn’t a bad one to die.
Jordan Pride ducked behind a tree in the West Virginia
forest, his footsteps silent and deadly, not sure how he’d suddenly become
prey. As a lion shifter, as the leader of the feline nation, he was usually
more of a predator than he liked to admit.
The force surrounding him edged closer, altering the
atmospheric pressure enough to flood adrenaline through his veins. Clouds
blanketed the sky, keeping the meager moon hidden. Good thing he could see in
the dark. He considered shifting into a lion, but for now, he wanted the clear
thinking he had only in human form. Once he let the animal free, instinct
overcame intellect. For now, he needed to think this through. .
He gave a barely perceptible nod to his enforcer, Mac. Mac’s
eyes burned a harsh emerald through the dusk, the soldier seriously pissed
someone had breached the security on shifter headquarters. Not someone—the
Kurjans. The enemy smelled of sulfur, a smell Jordan had always associated with
The air stank with sulfur.
The Kurjans were an evil vampire race unable to venture into
the sun without getting fried. Unlike the true vampires who were Jordan’s
allies—who enjoyed a day at the beach. Nighttime created excellent
opportunities to attack, and the Kurjans had waited for a good one. Dark and
Mac’s brother, Noah, flanked his other side, looking even
angrier than Mac, if that were possible. In fact, Noah had been pissed for the
last ten years—since they’d moved to the mountains of West Virginia—since
they’d forced their people into caverns and caves. Anything to avoid the
Kurjan-created virus that destroyed their DNA and turned them into monsters.
Apparently the Kurjans had found them. Well. It had taken
the bastards a decade.
Though ten years of war had depleted Jordan’s forces and
been incredibly difficult for his people. His soldiers were battered and
bruised…if not dead.
Jordan’s canines elongated…the beast within wanting to
spring free. Not quite yet. He shot a triumphant grin at Noah. They’d hidden
long enough to protect the children, the future. And yeah, for the most part,
female shifters were hidden as well.
Well, everyone but the one female he’d give his left arm to
protect. No. Katie had to be on the front lines, searching out the few
remaining infected shifters. Unfortunately, once infected with the virus, male
shifters became werewolves—true beasts that had to be put down for good.
A snarl lifted his lips.
The battle plan had just changed—thanks to the force around
him returning to war against shifters. For the last decade, the Kurjans had
directed their energy to taking out the vampires. Apparently they’d now
switched tactics.
If he survived the night, he’d call Katie home tomorrow. The
thought of her, the image of those stunning bourbon-colored eyes filtered
through his memory and shot him into true lion form.
His bones cracked, his muscles shifted, and he landed on all
fours. Graceful and deadly.
He ran toward the stench, knowing the enemy waited. Yet they
probably hadn’t expected him to jump high, sailing right for the throat of the
closest scout. While most mountain lions weighed about a hundred and fifty
pounds, shifters weighed twice that. His canines aimed true, slicing through
cartilage and bone like warm toffee. Blood sprayed as he flung the Kurjan’s
pasty white head into the dark recesses of the forest with a low snarl.
Jordan may be the leader of the feline world—through
circumstances that still kept him awake at night—but at heart, he was a
soldier. Fate had always planned for him to die in battle. Alone, as he
A whistle of wind sounded, then sharp pains impacted his
body from every direction. Startled, he dropped to all fours.
Arrows? The bastards were using arrows?
Rage ripped through him and he shook wildly, ripping the
missiles from his flesh to go flying.
His hiss came out more of a growl as he spotted another
Kurjan. Red-haired with black tips, the freak had swirling purple eyes. Medals
decorated his left breast—a high-up soldier. He smiled, revealing sharp yellow
Jordan snarled back. Whatever the Kurjans were doing, it was
going to backfire. Letting the animal fully take over, Jordan descended into
the primal being he usually kept at bay. The Kurjan pointed a green gun at him
and fired.
He dodged, then sprung.
Time to kill.
Present day—one week later
Katie Smith smelled him before she saw him. His natural
scent of cinnamon and oak mixed with an edge of anger, choking the oxygen from
the room. She shut the door to her apartment, schooled her face, and turned
toward the threat. “Hello, Jordan. Forget how to knock?”
His rangy body sprawled in the leather chair she and her
roommate, Maggie, had spent three days haggling for. While she and Maggie both
chased werewolves, they also worked other jobs for money. During the war, pride
funds had dried up.
Jordan raised an eyebrow, arrogant and pissed. “I sent
orders for you to move to Realm Headquarters after the attack on our
headquarters last week.”
She inhaled deep, her gaze meeting tawny eyes. God, she’d
missed him the last ten years. Even now, angry enough to smack him, she’d give
almost anything to run her hands through the thick hair falling to his
shoulders. Blonde, brown, a hint of black, the multitude of raw colors proving
beyond doubt his base nature was that of a mountain lion. Like her. “I haven’t
followed your orders in a decade. Now you need to leave.”
She flung her car keys into the merino glass bowl on the
table by the door. Next to the glass sat a stack of files—names and faces of
known infected shifters. She should file those…the werewolves had all been
found and killed.
Jordan stood. Long, lean, and rangy. Nearly a foot taller
than her own five foot six. Her living room shrank. He’d worn his customary
faded jeans, dark T-shirt, and cowboy boots. The outfit was as formal as Jordan
ever dressed—if anything, he might have a nicer pair of boots for a special
occasion. “Who exactly do you think you and the boys answer to, Kate?”
The urge to step back pissed her off. He was going to pull
rank on her. On all of them. “Listen, I know you’re the leader of the feline
“Disobeying me was never an option for you.”
She swallowed hard and put her hands on her hips. Seeing him
in her apartment wasn’t coming close to the fantasies she’d had of the moment.
The man would never view her as an adult. As a woman. She shoved the pain down.
“Wrong. I understand you’re older than dirt, Jordan, but I’m modern and choose
to live my own life.”
Like the lion hidden just under his human surface, he
stalked past the leather sofa, his eyes darkening to topaz, steady on his prey.
“Ah, sweetheart. This is an incredibly bad time to mess with me.”
Her breath caught hard in her chest while desire slammed
into her abdomen. Something feral lit his eyes…something new. Deadly and deep.
The wildness made something kick to life inside her. “What the fuck’s going
He stopped moving a foot away. “I believe I taught you not
to swear at me. True?”
She cleared her throat. “I’m not six years old anymore.”
His lips tipped in almost a smile. “I know. And I guarantee
when I spank you now, the end result will be much different than you throwing a
stuffed pig at me and pouting for a week.”
She forgot how to breathe. What was he saying? No. Just
words—he was just using words. Was he teasing her? Flirting? She struggled to
focus. “Jordan, the moon will be full in less than a week, and I have work to
He shook his head. “I’ve given you a decade to work this out
of your system. You’re done.”
Out of her system? True surprise mingled with a rapidly
growing anger inside her. “This, as you so moronically put it, is not exactly a
choice in vocation. I was infected with a virus that makes it possible for me
to track werewolves.”
The air changed. His eyes darkened to burnt gold and a
tension swirled toward her. “No. You were infected with a virus that makes it
impossible, for now, for you to shift from human to cougar.” Danger and fury
rode each word. He reached out to manacle one burning hand around her bicep.
“Then…not trusting the scientists enough to cure you, you purposefully infected
yourself with the catalyst to speed the virus up.”
Yeah, she had. The catalyst was supposed to increase the
potency of the virus so the illness ran its course sooner…either killing the
subject or dying out. Probably. She’d expected the virus to allow her to shift
again, and had gone against all protocol and injected the weapon into her
Apparently the shifter remained pissed about her attempt,
too. “I thought my body would fight the virus so I could shift again,” she
whispered. That’s what had happened to her roommate, Maggie…who now shifted into
a wolf once a month during the full moon. Katie would’ve done anything to keep
the possibility of being with Jordan open—to recapture her ability to shift.
“Yet that didn’t happen, did it?”
“No.” Instead, she’d been gifted with the ability to feel the
monsters roaming around them…to get into their heads and find the beasts. Those
who had once been shifters and now were werewolves. Damn the Kurjans for
creating the biological weapon. Of course, the bug only affected shifters, with
their twenty-eight chromosomal pairs, and vampire mates, who had twenty-seven
pairs. No one knew about witches. They protected their own, and no witch had
been infected. Yet. Katie sighed. “I’m good at this, Jordan.”
His lip twisted. “Which is why you’re going under the king’s
protection. To safety.”
More danger was coming? Fear slammed into her abdomen. Had
he found out about her special project? The one monster she couldn’t quite
catch? “We’ve pretty much eradicated werewolves in the south. What new danger?”
Regret twisted his lips. “I’m sorry, Katie—the three wolves
on the Bane’s Council have decided to consolidate—they want to return to taking
care of all werewolf threats without the outlying squads.”
“They can’t do that.”
“The Council has dealt with all werewolf threats for eons by
itself, and it can do as it chooses. All outlying squads are being
decommissioned by the end of next month.”
Something flickered in Jordan’s eyes. Was he lying?
“There are still too many threats.” Katie took a deep
breath. “The Bane’s Council of three wolves can’t cover the entire world
anymore. Also, while I can’t shift, I can still sense the werewolves.” So far a
unique gift…just for her.
Jordan scrubbed a hand over his face. “I wish the scientists
would figure out why Maggie is the only infected female shifter able to shift.
The rest of you…”
Yeah. The rest of them stayed in human form all the time.
Feline, canine, or multi…no females could shift after being infected with the
virus. Only Maggie. “I guess it’s better than the alternative.” All the
infected males shifted into werewolves—true animals, created to hunt and kill.
“The members of the Bane’s Council are killers—that’s what
they do.” Jordan’s voice softened. “I’ll give you the night to pack, Katie.
Tomorrow morning we leave.”
She frowned. For ten years she’d hunted monsters. She’d
fought. Yet, here he stood, not seeing her. Just seeing the child of the past.
Just one reason why it was never going to happen between them.
“My job is here.” There was no hiding for Katie Smith. She’d
made a good life, one with purpose, and if she couldn’t have Jordan, she’d keep
what she’d created. Besides, the monster she couldn’t catch kept getting
stronger…bolder. She had to take him down during the coming full moon. “I
already told Janie Kayrs I wouldn’t make it to her sixteenth birthday party
next week.” Katie’s refusal had nothing to do with wanting to avoid seeing
Jordan at the party. She’d tried to convince herself the decade apart had
lessened her feelings for the lion leader. Silly cougar—she shouldn’t lie to
“Janie will be relieved you’ve changed your mind.” His face
hardened into something unrecognizable. A tension emanated from him, a
vibration of energy. A new energy. “I’ll have movers get your furnishings—Dage
and I’ve decided Maggie will be based out of Oregon as well.”
“I don’t work for either you or Dage.” The jury was out on
whether she worked for the Bane’s Council, actually. The council’s three wolves
had spent lifetimes hunting down infected humans who became werewolves. While
the poor human souls only lived a few months, they wreaked serious damage
during that time. The council members hunted and destroyed them.
Once Virus-27 created infected shifters, werewolves became a
different species—one that lived forever as monsters. The council had needed
help, thus creating the outlying squads. The squads were still needed.
She fought to remain calm. “During the last ten years, we’ve
caught and killed nearly two hundred werewolves…saving so many human lives I
can’t even count that high.” If the beasts had remained alive, they would’ve
taken out more human populations than the plague. “In addition, we’re closer to
finding the Kurjan headquarters.” Every shifter harbored the fear that the
Kurjan Virus-27 would go airborne someday. The Kurjans needed to be taken out
She straightened her shoulders, facing a different man than
the one she’d always known. War during the last decade had been hard on
him…maybe too hard. “Go home, Jordan.”
In a burst of power, he moved, lifting her against the wall.
Way too fast. He leaned in close enough for his gaze to burn her face. “It wasn’t
a request.”
While the man had always been stronger than most…this was
unreal. Surprise and distress kept Katie immobile. “What’s really going on?”
The heat from his grip combined with his scent and softened her thighs.
Shock crossed his face. In slow motion, he glanced down at
his hands holding her aloft. As if surprised they belonged to him. “I, uh, I’m
He was finally holding her. Desire pebbled her nipples. Her
core heated.
Symmetrical nostrils flared when he inhaled. A dark flush
cut across his high cheekbones. “Jesus, Kate.”
The damn shifter could smell her. Embarrassment at her
arousal dried the spit in her mouth. Until he moved forward, pressing a
rock-hard erection between her legs.
Mouth to thighs, she flooded.
The wall cooled her back while the man heated her entire
front as he held her aloft. So easily. Too easily.
Focus. She needed to focus. Was this really happening? Her
fantasies didn’t come close to this heat—to this need. The breath caught in her
throat and she held still. So still maybe he wouldn’t stop. Maybe he’d finally
kiss her. “Jordan.”
He blinked. Once. Twice. “I’m sorry, Kate. I shouldn’t have
grabbed you.”
Even so, he settled deeper into the vee between her legs.
Nothing in the world would make her look away. She held his
gaze, mesmerized by the multitude of colors combining into topaz. “I’m a big
girl.” They’d never be able to mate. She knew that. The man ruled the entire
feline world—he couldn’t mate with an infected lioness unable to shift. With
someone who might pass on the genetic mutation.
Resulting freedom brought the moment into sharp focus. Pain,
too. But also…freedom with the clear knowledge they’d never go anywhere spread
through her like a swarm of hungry bees. Her chin lifted—along with her thighs.
He stilled.
Throwing challenge into her smile, she clasped her ankles at
the small of his back, sliding along the prominent line of his erection. Her
hands clenched his shoulders. “So. I’ve been waiting a long time for this.”
Dreams died. She knew that firsthand. She’d also learned—the
rough way—to take the good and ride it hard.
“Kate.” Her name came out more of a groan. His tongue wet
his lips.
Elation mingled with an odd despair inside her to result in
determination. What the hell. She had nothing to lose. “You want me, Jordan.”
Proof of his desire pulsed against her, even through her jeans. Every ounce of
strength she had went into keeping the amazement off her face. He actually
wanted her. “There’s no way we can go back to living near each other—not going
to work.”
His gaze dropped to her lips. One broad hand threaded
through her hair, tangling at the nape. “I’m dropping you off—going to fight.”
The words were simple, the tone final. A good-bye of sorts?
“You’ve fought before.” Panic bit her words off. It would be just like Jordan
to squire her to safety if he were about to fight to the death. To get his
affairs in order. What wasn’t he telling her? She began to struggle.
He quickly, easily, immobilized her—pressing her body into
the wall. “Stop moving. Please, God…stop moving.”
He tugged her head back. Erotic tingles jerked along her
scalp. Her breasts pressed against his chest, forcing a groan from her. So
hard. So male. The need echoed her heartbeat between her ears. “Please,
“Ah, Kate.” Sadness filtered through his amazing eyes. His
hold tightened. Regret and inevitability exhaled on his sigh. Better than any
dream, his head lowered toward hers.
Then his lips found hers, and she forgot all about sadness
and dreams.
Fire, promise, despair, all comingled in his kiss, his lips
firm, his tongue gentle. So much softness. The shoulders under her hands went
rigid with restraint, a vibration of control as he kept himself in check.
Slowly, too damn slowly, he halted the kiss, levering back.
Desire and apology cut hard into the lines of his face.
Oh, hell no.
Swift as the cat she’d once been, she clutched both hands in
his thick hair, yanking his mouth back down. Wild, nearly desperate, she slid
her tongue inside, pressing her entire body along his length. Demand had her
rubbing against him, need had her taking what she wanted. What she needed.
For almost two seconds, he held back.
The first growl came from down deep. He pivoted away from
the wall, one hand in her hair, the other cupping her ass. Holding her
aloft—taking control. He wrenched her head to the side, stealing her balance,
destroying her equilibrium.
His tongue thrust deep, his lips demanding, his mouth
scorching hot. The snapping of his control almost made a sound…the sound of
She met it with a sound of longing.
He reacted as if time stood against them, taking three steps
and dropping her to the sofa, following her down, his mouth busy on hers the
entire time.
Buttons scattered as he ripped her shirt open. Kisses, hot
and wild, peppered her jaw, neck, and collarbone until he reached her breasts.
“No bra,” he rumbled against her flesh before taking one aching nipple in his
She arched, crying out. Splinters of red-hot pleasure
whipped from her breast to her begging core. Then he nipped.
A ringing set up between her ears. She shoved the sound
back, lost in the amazing sensation of Jordan’s mouth on her. Finally. His body
trapping hers. Desire flowing around them.
He lifted his head. “Phone.”
Oh. The ringing. “Ignore it.” Her hands flattened out across
his broad back, not even coming close to spanning the masculine width. The
muscles shifted, vibrating beneath her palms. So much strength.
The machine clicked on. A male voice. “Hi, Kate. I have a
new set of files and should be there in a minute. Um, we need to talk.” The
message stopped.
Jordan drew in a harsh breath.
Shit, shit, shit. “That was Baye—he can see you tomorrow.”
Katie’s mind spun. “Let me call him back.”
“No.” Gently, Jordan tugged her shirt back into place. The
mood was certainly broken. “His brother will be calling him tonight to return
to the ranch—we’ve had to relocate headquarters. I’ll see him after I get you
to safety.”
Baye and his two brothers had served as Jordan’s enforcers
for about a century. When Katie had ventured out on her own, Jordan had sent
Baye with her. He’d swiftly become her confidant, often joining her and Maggie
for a drink after work. While cats and wolves didn’t usually get along well,
Maggie seemed like one of them. Wolf or not.
Katie dropped her hands from Jordan’s shoulders, not willing
to beg. The harsh expression on his face promised it wasn’t going to happen.
Ever. “Jordan—”
His words penetrated her foggy mind. “I can’t. Besides my
werewolf job, I work hard as a dispatcher for the police force during the day.
Just quitting on the spot would be terrible for my coworkers.” She enjoyed her
job and heard first about any odd animal attacks.
Maggie worked at the hospital during the day shift for the
same reason. But she was just part-time, which gave her freedom to travel west
for testing every few months.
Of course, the vampires had to work their magic on the
computer systems of both the human police force and hospital to circumvent
background checks. Maggie had also needed bloodwork to be employed at the
hospital. Such tests were easily manipulated by the vampires—more specifically
by Kane Kayrs, the smartest guy on the planet.
Jordan’s eyes hardened. “Call and quit, Katie. I’m not
asking.” Three strides and he disappeared out the door.
Damnit. Katie pressed a trembling hand to her burning mouth.
Hopefully that huge erection would cause him serious pain. Finally, to have
been so close. But no, Jordan had stopped. He didn’t want her—at least not
badly enough to take a chance. She’d known him almost her entire life. When
Jordan wanted something, nothing stopped him. Time to face that fact and stop
freaking pining.
Katie jumped up, her body humming, aching from remaining
unfulfilled. Her heart splintering. She ran into her bedroom and changed her
damaged shirt, emerging just as someone knocked on the door.
Her breath caught. It wasn’t Jordan. Yet she dashed forward,
throwing the oak door open to reveal Baye. All six feet of him—tough-ass feline
shifter. Behind him stood Lance, tiger shifter and fighting champion. The three
of them made up a squad. Her squad.
Disappointment threatened to choke her. “Hi.” She gestured
them inside.
Baye didn’t move, surveying the room, scenting the air.
Symmetrical nostrils flared and he ran a rough hand through his dark,
shoulder-length hair. “Lion.”
“I know Pride’s scent as well as my own.” Baye lifted an
eyebrow, stepping inside.
Lance followed and quietly, too softly, he shut the door and
handed her a file. “We have a new report of an infection.”
Of course they did. Now she had to go out and hunt a shifter
who had probably been a good man at one time. “Just one, huh?” Taking a deep
breath, she returned to the sofa, trying so hard not to think of Jordan
pressing her into the soft leather.
Baye leaned against the door. Lance hovered near the couch.
What was their problem? She frowned.
Baye’s eyes darkened further. “Open the file.”
A tickle set up at the base of her spine. Her lungs
compressed. Something whispered she should run. Shrugging her shoulders, she
flipped open the file.
Jordan Pride’s picture stared back at her.
Rebecca Zanetti website

I love this series and can't wait for Jordan and Katie's story!! WOO-HOO!! :)
I love this series and can't wait for Jordan and Katie's story!! WOO-HOO!! :)
OMG I can not wait for Katie and Jordans story too. Love them. WOW I love all her couples. I have loved every book I read so far. Have a nice day babe. What is great about her books is you get a feel for the secondary characters and just look more foward to their books and usually get teaser on who the couple will be.