Friday, July 29, 2016

Cover Reveal: Stolen from the Hitman by Alexis Abbot...


Cover Reveal

Title: Stolen from the Hitman: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance
Author: Alexis Abbott
Release Date: August 12, 2016



I’m leaving my dark past behind me, where it belongs, and it seems like fate has finally smiled on me when she comes into my life. Innocent, pure, and with a bright future ahead of her, she’s the girl I always wanted and never deserved. Then, those scumbags steal her right from under of my nose. But they don’t know who I am, or the lives I’ve taken. They’re out to make some quick cash by selling a pure bride, and there’s no way I’m going to let that happen. Not to her. I have to risk everything to save her. Then, I’ll try to win her heart and make her mine.  

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I'm Alexis Abbott, and I love bad boys, gritty backdrops, and super steamy sex! Sign up for my mailing list to be notified of new releases, sales, giveaways, and lots of other fun stuff ;)

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Release Blitz & GIveaway: Stay the Night by Cora Cade...

Title: Stay the Night
Series: A Day of Pleasure #3
Author: Cora Cade
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
 Release Date: July 29, 2016


She's everything he wants. Even when she can't see it.

After her last relationship ended in the hospital, Lainey Eversman ditched Ohio to start fresh in a sleepy North Carolina town. Her tiny apartment above the Drunken Duck may be cramped, but she’s ready to let her big dreams erase those bad memories.

When she sprains her ankle, she reluctantly accepts Chris Harper’s help to cut her last few ties to Ohio, though she dares not accept anything else from the sexy architect. The last thing she can trust is her instincts when it comes to men.

Chris knew the fiery Lainey was his one and only the moment he set eyes on her. If only she’d let him get closer than arm’s length. But their trip to Ohio cracks the walls shielding her vulnerability, and she finally, hesitantly, takes that last step into his arms.

It’s still going to be tough to convince her to give love a fighting chance—especially with an ex who won’t take “go away” for an answer.

Warning: Contains a small-town hero who’ll do anything to convince a skittish big-city girl that he’s a safe bet. Expect loyal friendships, sweet kisses, and hot, dirty sex in the great outdoors.

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Chapter One

The idyllic countryside of Lainey Eversman’s new home left a lot to be desired when you were under attack by mutant country spiders. Four weeks ago she’d purchased ten lakeside acres in the lush mountains of North Carolina. Currently she was standing on a rickety kitchen chair swatting at a horde of massive spiders crawling through a crack in her cabin’s ceiling. All the while wishing desperately she’d never left the confines of city life.

She was trying admirably to not freak out like a total pansy, but when a shower of leggy spiders fell in her hair she gave up the fight. Giving a little squeak she launched herself from the old wooden chair and began to dance around like a lunatic while brushing her hands madly through her hair.

After a brief tussle with her own ego, she finally gave up and headed for a real shower. The kind with water and soap. No one had to know she’d nearly had a meltdown over a few spiders. Those ten acres, so happily purchased a few weeks ago, had come with a tiny hunting cabin. One room encompassing a very small and formerly very dirty shower, a toilet, a kitchen sink the size of her favorite pair of shoes, and a mini fridge fresh out of the box, all in a twelve-by-twelve room.

At the time it had seemed like the perfect place to hang tight while she had a place built. In retrospect she should have taken her brother and his girlfriend up on the offer to make use of their guest room until the build was completed. She loved both Cal and Molly, but she had little interest in finding them in compromising positions all over the apartment. Given the pair of them, it would be near impossible to catch them doing anything but getting frisky.

The creepy cabin in the middle of nowhere was her home for the duration. It wasn’t so bad, aside from the bugs, the smothering summer heat, and the incessant nature noise. No one ever told her living in the sticks was loud. Since her first week in the cabin she’d been serenaded nightly by an orchestra of bullfrogs, crickets, and assorted evening critters. Every morning the birds woke her at first light. Eventually she’d adjust to the nature sounds, but to date she’d been averaging about six hours a night; not really enough to feel rested. Altogether leaving her just a little bit cranky from lack of sleep.

In theory living alone surrounded by nature was an amazing retreat, but in reality it was quite the adjustment for a city girl leaping into the next stage of her life.

After scrubbing all the spider particles from every square inch of her body she exited the shower and tossed on a pair of simple cotton panties and the thinnest tank top she could find. It was a beautiful August evening, but the heat of the day hadn’t dissipated enough to leave Lainey comfortable. The heat and humidity left her feeling sticky the moment she toweled off from the shower.

Being a half-mile down a winding lane in the middle of nowhere had its perks. Sitting on her miniscule porch in her underwear with her feet propped up was definitely one of them.

Well, until she saw a car’s lights turn off the main road and make its way toward the cabin. It could only be a handful of people. Her brother Cal, Cal’s girlfriend Molly, or more likely Chris. Chris the hottie architect that she’d met through Cal and Molly, who was contracted to redesign the coffee shop she’d purchased.

Given the light glow of a near full moon, Lainey guessed it to be nearly ten. Rather late for a business meeting. Finally, she determined it was Chris, as his sleek black car eased slowly closer until it was nearly ready to park next to her own car on the far side of the porch. Lost in her own thoughts, she was about to greet the hottie architect in her panties.


Launching herself to her feet in an effort to reach the front door of the cabin before Chris cleared the porch was easier said than done. In her rush she almost crushed a cricket with a poorly placed foot. Attempting to save the cricket’s life, Lainey lurched to the left and managed to trip over her own feet. Landing in an inelegant pile, she watched the cricket hop away unharmed.

As she was attempting to right herself Chris stepped into view and halted his progress at the foot of the porch.

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Author Bio

Nestled away in a small town in Ohio, I spend my days adding delicious books to my library, snuggling with my three rotten dogs, and debating the finer points of life with the dear husband. When I'm not tucked away with a book you can be find me tapping away at my laptop. With coffee. And my playlist.

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Pre-order Blitz: Rounding Third by Michelle Lynn...

Title: Rounding Third
Author: Michelle Lynn
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: August 8, 2016


I was destined for stardom.
From the age of seven, I was an all-star.
Parent’s praised me, coaches worshipped me.
As I got older, girls begged for me.
I was Beltline’s baseball God, guaranteed to put this small town on the map.

Then, after one night, that future vanished.

The legend was laid to rest. 
I gave up my scholarship.
I fled from Beltline.
I left behind the girl.

Now, I’m back.

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As a sea of women disperse, a tall figure stands, and my heart hammers against my chest wall, like I’m standing on a wire, high in the sky, between two skyscrapers.

“Cinderella,” he says, his voice shallow, but sure of himself.

“Don’t call me that,” I respond, my feet frozen in place.

“Who is that?” Jen asks from behind me.

“That is Ella’s first love, Crosby Lynch.”

“I thought Liam was her first boyfriend?” Jen questions, her voice slowly fading to background noise.

Crosby breaks the small distance between us, and I swallow the large lump in my throat. My body screams for me to run or to pinch myself out of this dream, but his eyes still mesmerize me into submission.

“No, she and Crosby are destined.”

I hold my hand up in the air to stop Brax from rehashing history.

Crosby is still breathtakingly gorgeous. His dark hair is shorter and messy, and those hazel eyes still hold a glint of the devil in them. The cocky smile plastered on his face as he shoves his hands in his pockets, almost has me jumping in his arms and thanking him for coming back for me. But one question overrides my body.

“How long are you here?” I ask, bitterness lacing my voice.

He tilts his head. “Until graduation.” He glances to Brax. “My guess anyway.”

That cocky smile grows as the lump in my throat shrinks.

Quickly, the room starts spinning, and my breathing becomes more labored. He’s the new baseball player I heard Coach Lipton talking about.

“Oh my God.” My hand lies over my heart, and I close my eyes, trying to find my bearings, but the room continues to spin.

“Get her to the damn couch, Boy Dreamy!” Jen hollers.

Crosby grabs my elbow. His touch is so warm, so comforting, so safe. He guides me to the couch, but instead of setting me down, he places me on his lap. My eyes float around the room. Girls’ eyes are now glowering at me, Brax’s eyes are studying me, and Jen’s eyes show her pure ignorance to how serious tonight just became. As my eyes circle back to Crosby, I see he’s smiling again, his thumb brushing along my hip bone, as though we’d warped back to our senior year of high school.

“You okay?” he asks, his voice snapping me out of the haze.

I fall from my abrupt movement to flee from his lap, but spring up to my feet. “I’m fine. Fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” I ramble, fiddling with my hands while tapping my toes. “I mean, you’re here. In Ridgemont. Playing baseball and living in this house.” My vision shoots to Brax. “With Brax. Why would I not be okay?”

I look over to Jen, who’s finding way too much amusement in my predicament.

“Man, whoever you are, you’ve unglued Miss Perfect, and I love it.” She smiles wide at Crosby and then places her hand out in front of him. “I’m Jen, this crazy girl’s roommate.”

Crosby takes her hand. “I’m Crosby, perfect girl’s soon-to-be boyfriend.” He shakes her hand, his eyes on me.

“Ha. I love it. You are perfect for her.”

She turns to me as I swallow down my anxiety, glaring at a still shirtless Brax. Maybe he could have been more specific at the door. Then again, who am I kidding. I’d give up my envied internship for a chance to see Crosby.

“You need to dump the fucktard and take this man up on his offer.” She thumbs toward Crosby.

I throw my hands up in the air.

“You have a boyfriend?” Crosby’s voice is low and has lost the confidence it held moments ago.

My fidgeting stops, and our eyes lock. Hurt floods out of his eyes and most likely mine as well.

“I need a drink.” I spin around, knocking into a dancing couple. I straighten myself and determinedly head toward the kitchen.

“A boyfriend?” His deep voice rings out above the music.

I grab a cup and start filling it up with beer.

The room quiets, and all eyes are on him. It’s like déjà vu. Eyes have always lingered on Crosby, his whole life, when he was the star baseball player in high school and even when he wasn’t. His charismatic personality mixed with his talent give him a presence in any room.

The damn tap is only pouring foam, and in frustration, I smack it on the pile of ice, dumping the Solo cup on top of it.

His strong hand picks up the cup, and he grabs the spout. The muscles in his forearm flex while he’s pumping the tap. Unable to gain the composure I need to look at him, I stare down at his hand pouring me the perfect beer.

Our fingers brush in the exchange of the cup, and my whole body tingles, aware that my first love is back. Needing to brace myself, I lean against the wall, acting nonchalant by bringing the cup to my lips.

Even if this isn’t my typical college night, I sure as hell need to act like I’m not facing the only guy to make my heart ricochet against my chest wall.

“I’m sorry. I have no right to be angry,” he says, standing to my right with his back to the wall.

“You left me,” I whisper, relieved that the noise level has picked back up. I’m not even sure I want him to hear my admission.

His arm is no longer pressed to my shoulder, and I calculate he’s moving. Then, his shoes come into my view of the floor.

“What are you talking about? We left each other. That was the point.” He rolls back on his heels.

“You’re right. That was the point. Why are you here?” We made a pact, an agreement, that we would not contact one another.

“Can we please go somewhere else to talk?” he whispers back.

His hand reaches out, and I sway forward. My body heats up, the closer his hand grows to my cheek. He’s a millimeter away when he retracts, only igniting a burning in my flesh for his touch.


He nods his head in the direction of the living room but says nothing. When he heads toward the staircase, I stop walking.

“Not upstairs.”

He halts on the first step and peers around to find somewhere else. There are bodies everywhere, each corner already occupied with a couple or a cluster of girls. The house is not an option, and I wish the hope of being alone with him wasn’t so prevalent.

“Walk?” he asks.

I nod and down my beer, needing something to numb the pain in my body.

As we leave the baseball house, the situation is eerily similar to two years ago—when we intentionally hurt each other.

Author Bio

Michelle moved around the Midwest most of her life, transferring from school to school before settling down in the outskirts of Chicago ten years ago, where she now resides with her husband and two kids.  She developed a love of reading at a young age, which helped lay the foundation for her passion to write.   With the encouragement of her family, she finally sat down and wrote one of the many stories that have been floating around in her head. When she isn’t reading or writing, she can be found playing with her kids, talking to her mom on the phone, or hanging out with her family and friends.  But after chasing around two kindergarteners all day, she always cherishes her relaxation time after putting the kids to bed. 

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Cover Reveal: More Than Miles (Lost Kings MC Novel) by Autumn Jones Lake...

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Coming August 16th

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Although More Than Miles can be read as a stand-alone, the first book in the series, Slow Burn, is currently free and the second book, Corrupting Cinderella, is on sale for .99cents.
SLOW BURN (Lost Kings MC #1)

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Blake “Murphy” O'Callaghan, Road Captain of the Lost Kings MC, has the world by the balls. Everything he wants…except the one girl who’s off limits. The only girl he’s ever loved. His best friend’s little sister, Heidi.
Now that she’s eighteen, it’s time to claim her as his. Problem is, she’s in love with her high-school boyfriend, Axel, a prospect for the Lost Kings MC.
Can Murphy convince Heidi that all the hard roads they’ve traveled lead to their happy ending, or is he destined to ride the open road alone?

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Autumn prefers to write her romances on the classy side of dirty, and she's a sucker for a filthy-talking, demanding alpha male hero. The bigger the better. She believes true love stories never end.
Some of Autumn's favorite hobbies include reading, writing, acting, music and horror movies. When she's home, her faithful Pug is always by her side. She's an active member of her local chapter of Romance Writers of America.
Autumn was born and raised in upstate New York. She still enjoys all four seasons there with her very own alpha hero and their three rescue dogs.
You can find Autumn on Facebook and she always loves to hear from readers at:
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Release Blitz & Giveaway: FATAL IDENTITY by Marie Force...

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Sam and Nick return in the stunning romantic suspense, FATAL IDENTITY, that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat! Being released today, FATAL IDENTITY is the tenth novel in Marie Force’s Fatal Series being published by HarlequinHQN. Make sure you order your copy today!



Every family has its secrets…

As the first anniversary of her marriage to Vice President Nick Cappuano approaches, Lieutenant Sam Holland is dreaming of Bora Bora—sun, sand and a desperately needed break from the DC grind. But real life has a way of intervening, and Sam soon finds herself taking on one of the most perplexing cases of her career.

Government worker Josh Hamilton begs Sam to investigate his shocking claim that his parents stole him from another family thirty years ago. More complicated still, his “father” is none other than the FBI director. When a member of Josh’s family is brutally murdered, Sam begins to question how deep this cover-up goes. Is it possible the revered director was part of a baby-napping ring and that others involved are also targets?

With a killer intent on deadly revenge and her team still reeling from a devastating loss, Sam’s plate is full—and when Nick and their son, Scotty, take ill, is her dream of a tropical anniversary celebration in peril too?

Grab your copy of FATAL IDENTITY here!

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Get Fatal Identity in print at Amazon, B&N, Books A Million, Chapters Indigo, Booktopia and Indie Bound.


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And don’t forget to grab the previous titles in the Fatal Series Today!













At times, she’d wondered if he had superpowers that he kept secret from her. How else to explain the way he managed to get so much done while also taking excellent care of her and Scotty? Sam kissed his cheek, and even though she knew she shouldn’t, she kissed his lips too.
“Mmm, not tonight, babe.”
Sam laughed out loud.
His eyes popped open.
“I think that’s the first time you’ve ever said no to me.”
Clearing his throat, he said, “I take it back. I never say no to you.”
“You’re allowed to today. How you doing?”
“Never better.”
“Now you’re lying to me?”
“Don’t want you to worry.”
“Too late for that.”
“How’s the boy?”
“Worried about TJ’s party.”
Nick winced. “Ahh, crap. That’s tomorrow, right?”
“What are the odds that we’re going to be free of this plague by then?”
“Slim to none.”
“He’ll be so disappointed.”
“We’ll make it up to him—somehow.”
“I’ve got to go make a call, and then I’ll come back and tell you a story you won’t believe.”


About Marie Force: Marie Force is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance, including the Gansett Island Series, which has sold more than 2.2 million books, and the Fatal Series from Harlequin Books, which has sold more than 1 million books. In addition, she is the author of the Green Mountain Series from Berkley Publishing as well as the new erotic romance Quantum Series, written under the slightly modified name of M.S. Force. Her goals in life are simple—to finish raising two happy, healthy, productive young adults, to keep writing books for as long as she possibly can and to never be on a flight that makes the news.      

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Friday, July 22, 2016

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Hadley (The Club Girl Diaries #3) by Addison Jane...

Title: Hadley
Series: The Club Girl Diaries #3  
Author: Addison Jane
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: July 22, 2016


People change, it's a fact of life.
Hadley found that out the hard way after her husband came home one day with darkness in his eyes that she'd never seen before.
Realizing that she couldn't allow him to drag her into the shadows, she watched him walk away, thinking she’d be free to move on with her life.
But now she was on the run, seeking safety from a man she once vowed to love forever.
Becoming a club girl for the Brothers by Blood MC guaranteed her protection, and at the same time, allowed her to embrace her sexuality with no judgments or guilt.
Only things weren't as simple as she'd anticipated. She never expected Leo and his curly haired daughter to steal her heart, and for emotions to come into play.
Could she risk her life on the chance he might feel the same?

Leo was the Sargent at Arms for the Brothers by Blood MC.
It was his job to make sure the club was safe and their security tight.
He’d been to hell and back. Losing his wife Kim, after the birth of their daughter, had broken his heart to the point where he thought it was irreparable. She’d been his everything since he was a teenager, and he was determined to never lose her memory.
With the club around him and his baby girl at his side, he’d become content with life alone.
When Hadley showed up, he wasn't quite sure what to make of the self-confident, sweet natured brunette. He was drawn to her—a pull he struggled to escape.
He wanted her, but he was afraid to get too close, not sure that his heart was strong enough to let someone else in.

When danger comes knocking, they need to make a decision—protect themselves and move on, or stand together and risk it all.

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Also Available


#1 Harmony

#2 Chelsea


#1 Blizzard

All books are FREE in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Addison Jane is a born and bred kiwi girl with a passion for romance and writing.

When she gets the chance she enjoys the little things in life such as reading, dancing, music, and Facebook, but her world really revolves around the little girl who calls her Mum. It's an awkward balance between alpha males and Disney princesses but it works.

Growing up on a small farm next to the beach will always make her a country girl at heart. But since moving away to a small town close to the city she's discovered a dangerous love for shopping.

Writing stories has been something that's come naturally since she was young, and with the massive support of her friends and family, she finally decided to step out of her comfort zone and share them with the world.

She enjoys bringing her books to life with strong female leads, sexy passionate men and a rollercoaster of twists and turns that lead to the happily ever after that her readers desire.

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