Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Just Say When by Kaylee Ryan...

Title: Just Say When
Author: Kaylee Ryan
 Release Date: May 12, 2015


Saving myself for marriage, not hardly.

Saving myself for someone who will make my heart race, most definitely.

In theory it's a good plan, however even the best-laid plans fall through. Seeing him, being around him, alerts all my senses and I dream about being his, wrapping myself in his arms and never letting go. The only problem – he sees me as his sister.

My name's Ava Evans and I'm in love with my older brother's best friend, Nate Garrison. 

Burying myself in work for the past two years, avoiding any thought of her, has worked, until now. She's everywhere, in my dreams, in my gym, and in my heart. I'm not sure when I fell in love with Ava Evans, but I am completely in love with my best friends baby sister.

At first she was too young for me and that made it easy to stay away. Now, it's a struggle to keep my distance.

How am I supposed to resist her when I can’t escape her? If he ever found out, it would ruin our friendship. Even with that knowledge all she would have to do is... 
Just Say When.

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I reach the table just in time to watch as Kara pulls Ava to the dance floor. They stop right at the edge as if they cannot wait a second longer to move to the beat. We watch them in silence, enjoying the show they’re putting on. That is until two guys join them. At first, it looks innocent enough, but when the one closest to Ava puts his hands on her, I know I have to squash this.

“We can’t let them have all the fun.” I motion to the dance floor. I’m pissed off this guy is mauling her, and I’m pissed off at Zach. I can’t believe he let his groupies pull him away from Ava. He doesn’t deserve her.

Tanner grins. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” He places his now empty water bottle on the table and heads straight for Kara.

I’m hot on his heels. I stop in front of Ava and she smiles hesitantly just as the song changes to “Talk Dirty.” The guy who was trying to make his move on her is no longer touching her, which is in his best interest. Ava seems nervous as to where she should touch me. This is new for us. I take her hands and rest them on my shoulders as I move my hips to the beat. I keep an eye on the jackass to make sure he knows she’s unavailable. I don’t want him touching her again.

I pull her tight little body close to mine, not caring that this is Ava Mae, my best friend’s little sister. She’s forbidden, but for tonight, for this time in which I actually have her in my arms, I don’t let it stop me. Instead, I pull her close and pretend she’s mine. Ava rocks her hips against mine and I tighten my grip. Her big brown eyes find mine and her stare is intense. If I didn’t know better, I would think that she wants me just as fiercely as I want her. Pulling her as close as I can get her, I bury my face in her neck and match the rhythm of her hips as they grind against mine. I wish like hell she were mine.

Author Bio

Kaylee Ryan has had a passion for reading since she was a little girl. That passion has slowly led to spinning romantic tales, and a one-click addiction. When she doesn’t have her nose stuck in her kindle or fingers glued to the keyboard, you can find Kaylee hanging out with friends and family. She loves all genres of music, and enjoys scrapbooking. She lives in Ohio with her husband (her real life happily ever after) and their rambunctious little boy.

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Cover Reveal: The Only Choice (The Choices Trilogy #3) by Dee Palmer...

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Book: The Only Choice
Series: The Choices Trilogy
Author: Dee Palmer
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: 12th June 2015
Cover: Angie O-creations
Hosted By:Francessca’s Romance Reviews


Bethany’s devastation is complete. Secrets, lies and impossible choices have torn her world apart but it is not the first time she has had to rebuildher world. So she’ll do it again...she has to. When Bethany meets Daniel, she is backed into a corner and with the threat of losing even more she comes out fighting. Daniel quickly learns there is nothing quite as intoxicating as a woman with nothing left to loseand nothing quite as irresistible as his Bethany. But there are more games being played than either of them are truly aware and the winning prize is a coveted Happy Ever After.

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“Quick quick they are just loading the carts! Paula will serve the plates you follow with the sauce. I’ll keep your bag but I’m going to head home, pretend I wasn’t even here if that’s Ok?” She giggles. “Lucky I work for either Sofia or her family because I would not want to get on their bad side.” She pushes me to the elevator where Paula, I assume, is waiting with a fully loaded cart. Just as the door close Gaby waves and I mouth ‘thank you’.

Paula smiles at me nervously and I wonder how much she knows. I confidently do my buttons on my jacket and shake my shoulders releasing some tension then I smile brightly at Paula. “No need to look so worried, I could do this in my sleep… You won’t even know I’m there.” She gives me a tight smile and I know Gaby hasn’t told her anything. We push the cart to the boardroom door which I quietly open and Paula eases the cart over the threshold and positions it at the back of the room. Daniel has his back to us, he is wearing a dark navy suit and I can smell his cologne. A light infusion of citrus and spice easily over powered by the meal we just brought in if I wasn’t so attuned. I am grateful he has his back to us however, because my heart is racing and my skin is tingling with a mix of fear and a result of being near him. I curse my body for these innate, involuntary and traitorous reactions. Fortunately, I have Sofia’s indignant words and my raging anger swirling inside so I know that this encounter is likely to turn me on as much as a smear test would.

The room is sparsely furnished with a large oval glass topped table dominating the centre of the room. The four men are seated two each side of Daniel and he is at the head. The full height glass wall holds an invisible door that opens on to a seating area outside on a platform that overlooks the Thames and out toward Greenwich Park on a clear day. I know this, because it’s the same view from Daniels office but I take no time or pleasure in the vista today. I remove the plates from the warming cart; take the protective covers revealing an elegant arrangement of the pan fried duck breast with baby glazed carrots, trimmed French beans and fondant potatoes. I hand the plates to Paula as she sets about serving the table; one of the men addresses Daniel.

“Thought we’d lost you for while Stone heard you’d picked up some skirt.” He laughs gruffly and I can feel my shoulders stiffen. “Glad it wasn’t serious, still she must have been a whore in the bedroom to keep you interested for so long?” He slaps the man sitting next to him as they all fall into low dirty laughter. “You’ll have to get me her details now you’re done. I’m intrigued or was there more to it, did you actually love her?” He snorts and wrinkles his nose like he’s just smelt something disgusting when the only thing disgusting is him.
Daniels voice is low, softly spoken so the room goes quiet and I find I’m holding my breath. “There was something more.” He hesitates and I feel a flutter of anticipation just before the rot of reality. “A little R & D project that’s now mine… and ask Colin for her details I no longer keep them.” I grip the cart as I feel my knees buckle, I grit my teeth and swallow back the water pooling in my mouth. With clarity and serenity I hadn’t expected after his most hurtful words I calmly walk over to his side holding the jug of hot redcurrant jus, without looking up he sits back to allow me better access to his plate and his lap. For maximum effect I quickly tip the jug completely into his lap and then let the jug go. From this height and the weight of the large ceramic container landing directly on his groin, he is hit hard. His hands grab at his prize possession, covered in hot red liquid it looks like his taken a direct hit form a shotgun not a tasty berry reduction.

“Fuck!… What the Fuck!” He pushes back and stands sending his chair flying but freezes when he lifts his head to meet my eyes. I walk over to him, standing as tall as I can, still dwarfed by his immense frame but no longer intimidated. I point my finger softly on his chest and watch him recoil as if I too have burned him.

“You, Mr Stone are a liar, a thief, a son of a bitch,” I laugh bitterly, “but you knew that last one already. You are an arsehole and a coward.” The room is silent and I turn and walk away, just before I close the door I turn my head. “I thought you were a gentleman; shame on you.” I am only slightly sorry that I am leaving Paula to clean up my mess and although my legs feel like jelly I make my way to the elevator. The doors open, I pass Jason whose head snaps in a double take and just as the doors close I see Daniel furious, looking like he’s been in a blood bath, shouting.

“Jason! Stop her! Fuck don’t let her leave!” His voice disappears behind the closed doors and my last image is of Jason’s arm pushing for the ever closing gap with a look of pure confusion.

Fuck! I slap my hands on the rail in the lift holding with a white knuckle grip and adrenaline pumping so hard in my veins that my whole body shakes. I draw in fast deep breaths that just make me light headed and the speedy descent of the lift makes my knees give way as it reaches the ground floor. The doors open and I am greeted by a very stern looking Eddie, who doesn’t return my attempted smile.

“You left the building. I saw you leave. Do you mind telling me how you managed to get back in?” He folds his arms waiting for an explanation but I am not inclined to hang around, having boldly gone, I now want to timidly leave.

“You know Eddie I would love to but I might have outstayed my welcome. You can escort me off this time just to be safe.” I wink at him and I see his shoulders relax and a twinge in the corner of his mouth as he tries to suppress some warmer emotion than the one he is currently presenting. I try to step out and to his side but he holds up his hand.

“Oh I’m sorry Miss Thorne but since you trespassed and assaulted the CEO leaving is no longer an option.” He informs me without a hint of humour.

My mouth drops in shock. “What? You have to be kidding?” I laugh coldly. “Has he called the police? Am I going to be arrested?” I put my hands on my hips, he might be technically right but I’m not going to be intimidated or back down. He rests his hand on my shoulder and gives me a gentle squeeze.

“I don’t think that’s his intention but he was I little cross when he called down. I think it is best if I take you back up there so you can get this mess sorted, without the need for the police and,” he fumbles and hesitates. “I’m sorry to have to do this but Mr Stone insisted.” He frowns and his cheeks tinge pink under his dark tan as he reaches into his back pocket. He lifts a pair of industrial looking silver hand cuffs. I had seen them on his belt before but assumed they were for show.

“I just bet he did. Oh you’ve got to be kidding me? Seriously?” I almost laugh but he turns me round and as gently as possible clips the cuffs to my wrists. Stepping into the lift he presses the top floor button. We are quiet for a moment. “You really think this is necessary?” I jangle the cuffs to make my point.

“I am just doing what I’m told Bethany and I can’t have to slipping through my fingers again. I need this job, so yes, I think it’s necessary. I think it’s safest.” He nods to himself, happy I think with his justification. The lift smoothly pulls to a stop, which in mere seconds has reached the twenty ninth floor and he motions for me to step out. I turn to face him.

“Safest for whom?” I whisper to the closing doors.

“Shit Bethany what did you do?” Colin’s hushed voice makes me turn again. He is walking briskly from his desk along the corridor. He peeps around my body and his eyes are wide at the sight of the cuffs. “Shit!” He whispers again and takes my elbow and leads me along toward Daniels office. It is then I notice that the other offices are empty and there are no other people on this floor. In fact it is eerily quiet.
“Extended lunch hour?” I quip with a casualness I’m not feeling.

“Ha, you’re funny! No he’s closed this floor and I’m to escort you to his office and then leave for the day.” His voice is conspiratorially quiet.

I swallow loudly. I don’t have my phone and I don’t know anyone’s number by heart anymore, who does? Everything is stored on my phone. Shit. I let out a puff because there is fuck all I can do about it now. “Right, well if you are the last person to see me alive, tell my best friend that’s the last time I take her advice.” I nudge him lightly but with my arms secured behind my back I am a little off balance and stumble. Too late to catch me Colin watches as I skid along the carpet and pick up a fierce carpet burn on my right knee, the sting is sharp and makes me squeal. “Owww Oh that stings like a bitch!” Colin helps me up with kind words and I clamp my jaw tight as the pain fires brightly from its origin. Colin pauses for a moment of sympathy while I compose myself but only for a moment, he then opens Daniels door and tilts his head for me to enter. He is not coming in and he is going to leave me, alone.

“Take care Bethany and I’d be very surprised if I’m the last person to see you alive.” He smiles and winks.
My light laugh is more nervous now. “Ohhh well that’s a comfort, you being very surprised. I guess I’ve got nothing to worry about then?”
“I didn’t say that now did I?” He winks again and closes the door.

About The Author

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Dee Palmer hates talking about herself in the third person so I won’t. My husband had my iPod engraved one Christmas with ‘sing like no-one’s listening’ and I know my family actually wish they weren’t listening because I am, in fact, tone deaf but it doesn’t stop me and this gentle support has enabled me to fulfil a dream. This has been a truly brilliant experience, because I have written all of the books in The Choices Trilogy but need to tweak the others before I let them all out alone, and it has undoubtedly been made possible by my incredibly supportive family. I know this is very much an acknowledgment but I know I wouldn’t be writing even this single paragraph if it wasn’t for them so this is about who I am, I am because they let me be.

Stalk Dee


Other Books in the Series

Never A Choice

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Always A Choice

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Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Playing Dirty (Monkey Business Trio #1) by C L Parker...

Title: Playing Dirty
Series: Monkey Business Trio #1
Author: C. L. Parker
Publisher: Bantam
Release Date: May 12, 2015


Cassidy Whalen is as determined as they come. An Irish girl from a small fishing village, she worked hard to pursue her love of American sports and land her dream job as a sports agent with a major agency in LA. Unlike her colleague, Shaw Matthews, who believes you should work smarter, not harder. Although it's assumed Shaw comes from money, he doesn't. What he did inherit was a genetic gift of charisma, and he used it to his advantage, establishing connections at an early age that helped him climb the corporate ladder. He's arrogant and used to getting his way with women, but he's met his match with Cassidy, who's out to prove that anything he can do, she can do better.

When a partnership position with Striker Sports Entertainment is up for grabs, Cassidy and Shaw are in a head-to-head competition to snag the most sought-after athlete in the country. Let the games begin! Playing their sexual strengths against the other's weaknesses leads to an affair that takes the competition . . . to their offices, the co-ed bathroom, the boardroom, the supply closet, the elevator, and anywhere else they're given the opportunity. But before long, they're left wanting much more than to one-up each other in just the boardroom; they want to out-do each other in love, too.

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Author Bio

C. L. Parker is a romance author who writes stories that sizzle. She’s a small-town girl with big-city dreams and enough tenacity to see them come to fruition. Having been the outgoing sort all her life—which translates to “she just wouldn’t shut the hell up”—it’s no wonder Parker eventually turned to writing as a way to let her voice, and those of the people living inside her head, be heard. She loves hard, laughs until it hurts, and lives like there’s no tomorrow. In her world, everything truly does happen for a reason.

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Monday, May 11, 2015

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Red Hot Bikers, Rock Stars and Bad Boys...11 Pulse-Pounding Books From 11 Outstanding Authors...

Woo hoo! Thanks for checking out the Red Hot Bikers, Rock Stars and Bad Boys cover reveal! We’ve all been drooling over this gorgeous dude on the cover. Hope you enjoy his sexiness as much as we do, which is indicative of the sizzle inside this RED HOT collection. 

 This RED HOT box set is jam-packed with the bad boys you love!

ON SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME! Over 1500 pages!

Eleven NYT, USA Today, and top-selling authors have banded together to bring you 11 pulse-pounding books about the bikers, rock stars, and bad boys that we all wish would throw us on the backs of their bikes or hold out their hands from the stage.

These 11 sexy, wild men are the types of guys you can’t bring home to meet the family. Your favorite aunts would clutch their pearls, seeing all that hot, muscular manflesh wrapped up in black leather and danger.

You, however, can bring home these bad, bad boys for a really great price!

From outlaw bikers to filthy rich rock stars and undercover police, we’ve gathered all 11 passionate stories in one big box. This heart-pounding collection is filled with confident, sexy, and swaggering men you’ll fall madly in love with.

Be sure to pick up this bundle of hotness May 26th.

Title: Red Hot Bikers, Rock Stars & Bad Boys
Genre: Steamy Romance
Publisher: Malachite Publishing
Length: 1500+ pages

Forever Ours ~ Cassia Leo ~ After 8 years of foster homes, Claire yearns for permanence. Tattooed rocker Chris gives her a home and steals her heart. But will he give up stardom for her?

Resisting ~ Chelle Bliss ~ Ever have a man walk into your life and alter your entire universe? My answer would’ve been no before he tempted me into his bed.

Randomly Ever After ~ Julia Kent ~ An old rivalry threatens Sam's long-planned proposal to Amy when case of mistaken identity makes fists fly. Can a moonlit serenade on a rooftop make up for old mistakes as their future hangs in the balance?

Stella & Dane ~ Deanna Roy ~ When Dane roars into Stella's small town on his Harley, their dangerous romance upsets the locals, leading to an altercation that changes everything.

Every Breath You Take ~ Blair Babylon ~ What happens when a Rock Star in Disguise meets a Billionaire in hiding?

Cold Fusion an Iron Tornadoes MC Romance ~ Olivia Rigal ~ Police detective David is undercover at a club owned by the white supremacist group, but his real challenge may be abiding by the club’s single rule: “No messing around with the talent.”

The Storm and the Darkness ~ Sarah M. Cradit ~ Ana fled to Maine, escaping a dark past. What she left behind is nothing compared to what awaits ahead.

Rock Candy ~ Daizie Draper ~ When her PR firm puts Alexis in charge of fixing a famous band’s image after a fatal DUI, her resolve to keep her panties on and heart safe falters when Danny, the lead singer, starts tugging at both.

Wuther ~ V. J. Chambers ~ Inspired by Wuthering Heights: Heath adores Cathy, his childhood sweetheart. He would do anything to protect her . . . and to possess her.

Three Nights with a Rock Star ~ Amber Lin and Shari Slade ~ When this Sunday school teacher walks on the wild side, a tattooed bad boy rocker demands complete control of her body... for three nights only.

Revik ~ JC Andrijeski ~ Meet Revik during his bad boy days, living among the Rooks.


Enter to win the box set of your choice from Amazon, up to $5. 
5 Winners will be awarded. No purchase or pre-order necessary.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Switch (Spark #5) by Jennifer Ryder...

Title: Switch
Series: Spark #5
Author: Jennifer Ryder
Cover Design: LM Creations
Release Date: September 2015


With an ex fiancé leaving her in debt, breaking up with her girlfriend and struggling to find a place she can afford, Sophie McKenna has hit an all-time low. Everyone thinks she’s a lesbian, and she likes it that way, but her estranged parents know better.
The foul-mouthed motocross mechanic, Rocco De Luca, only has his incarcerated brother left. Every day is a battle of the mind and of the bottle. Tequila and easy women soothe the pain, but they never fill the void.
Rocco doesn’t mind offering his spare room to the hot lesbian he refers to as ‘Suds’. She won’t be clingy, far from it, and he’s keen on the idea of getting to see a bit of girl on girl action.
With such volatile personalities under the same roof, and being in April and Spencer’s wedding party, they both have to learn to get along, even though they can’t stand each other.
He never thought he might actually grow to like her. She never thought she might actually hate him less.

Available Now



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 Author Bio
New Adult and erotic romance writer, and author of the Spark series. 

A sexy imagination, a life-long love of books and a sucker for romance, Jennifer Ryder couldn't stifle her creativity any longer.
Writing steamy adult romance has become her new focus. Living on a rural property in New South Wales, Australia, she enjoys the best of city and country.
Her loving husband is ever willing to provide inspiration, and her two young cherubs, and sheep that don't see fences as barriers, keep life more than interesting.
Jennifer placed third in the International Stringybark Erotic Short Fiction Award 2013.

 Author Links


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Fighting For Forever (Fighting #6) by J B Salsbury...SO EXCITED!!!!...

Title: Fighting for Forever
Series: Fighting #6
Author: JB Salsbury
Cover Design: Pixel Mischief Design
 Release Date: June 23, 2015


Slut. Hooker. Whore. 

The taunts never bothered me. They only see what I allow them to see, and a Las Vegas stripper is the perfect cover. 
My life had direction. I had a mission—until the man I needed vanished and is presumed dead. 
It’s time to move on—give up the dream for revenge—and no one shows me that more than the mop-headed fighter with eyes the color of the ocean. 
If anyone can teach me just how sweet life can be, it’s him. But first, I’d have to let go. 
Mase. Baywatch. Mayhem. 
I’m known by many names, but there’s only one that stirs panic and worry in my gut every time I’m called it. 
I’ve bailed him out of trouble for years, so when he turns up in Vegas and asks for me, I’m prepared for the worst. And the worst is exactly what I get in the form of a lilac-eyed beauty named Trix. 
She’s everything I hate about Vegas: a stripper, loose with her body and her morals. But there’s something about her, a complexity that she buries deep, and I’m determined to uncover it. 

The deeper I go, the less I understand. When I finally learn the truth, we engage in a battle where life and death hang in the balance. Fighting could kill us both, but if we win, forever is the prize.

View the character art and playlist for Fighting for Forever over at JB's website

Pre-order Links

Also Available






Author Bio
JB Salsbury, New York Times Bestselling author of the Fighting Series, lives in Arizona with her husband and two kids. She spends the majority of her day as a domestic engineer. But while she works through her daily chores, a world of battling alphas, budding romance, and impossible obstacles claws away at her subconscious, begging to be released to the page. 

Her love of good storytelling led her to earn a degree in Media Communications. With her journalistic background, writing has always been at the forefront, and her love of romance prompted her to sink her free time into novel writing. 

 For more information on the series or just to say hello, visit JB on her website, Facebook, or Goodreads page.

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