Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Initiate Me ( Barossa Series, #2) by Elle Raven...

Title: Initiate Me
Author: Elle Raven
Series: Barossa Series, Book 2
Release Date: December 27, 2014
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Day Party

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One dominant alpha male.
One innocent bewitching woman.
Equals one explosive attraction.

Mia Brunetti is far too busy with her studies to worry about having a man in her life. Growing up with three unruly and overprotective brothers has made her wary of men in general. That goes double if he's your brother’s best friend.

For years, Mia has worshipped Zane Mitchell and has avoided him and hidden her heart behind a wall. She has waited her entire life for Zane to see her as more than her brother's little sister. Now that she’s old enough to stake her claim on him, she’s pulling out all the sexual stops.

Zane has sworn off all women…until innocent Mia catches his attention. He is a devastatingly, masculine male who makes Mia's imagination go wild, but Zane has desires that would send innocent Mia running. The recently injured ex-cop is now working for the Brunetti family empire. As part of Mia's internship, Mia's brothers have placed her under Zane's wing. He is more than willing to take Mia up on her offer. The fun and games tie them both up in knots. Mia isn’t willing to settle for less than the whole package. But dominant Zane, even though the sexy country girl sets his blood ablaze, is determined to resist her efforts to protect his battered heart and her from his needs.

Release Blitz: Strip Back (Naked Nights, #0.5) by Ava Manello

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Title: Strip Back
Series: Naked Nights #0.5
Author: Ava Manello

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Strip Back brings you back to how the Naked Night's began. This is Eric's story. Back when life was a little less polished, and a whole lot harder.

Before there was Strip Teaser, there was Eric; manager and founder of the Naked Night’s male stripper troupe.

You wouldn’t think you’d be past it at 34, but that’s the position Eric found himself in, as well as newly single after finding his girlfriend in a compromising position.

Setting up the Naked Night’s wasn’t easy, it wasn’t fun, and it wasn’t without sleaze, but somehow he did it.

Strip Back is a humorous and steamy tale of one man’s journey to fulfill a dream. Not all male strippers are the same.


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Strip Teaser (Naked Nights #1)

About the Author:

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Passionate reader, blogger, publisher, and author. I love nothing more than helping other Indie authors publish their books be that reviewing, beta reading, formatting or proofreading, 

I love erotic suspense that's well written and engages the reader, and I love promoting the heck out of it over on my book blog.

I'm a mother, but most of all I'm me!

Stalk Ava Manello:

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Bear Creek Road by L. C. Morgan...

Bear Creak Road Book Blitz

Book Blitz


Book Title: Bear Creek Road 
Author: L.C. Morgan 
Genre: Romance/Erotica 
Release Date: November 2014 


Sometimes losing yourself leads right to the place you were looking for ... Secluded and quiet is exactly what Laney Walker is looking for when she decides to pack up and move across the country. It's what she wants, what she thinks she needs—until she meets Joe Boone. Contracted to replace the plumbing along the property, Joe is first to arrive and last to leave. And to Laney's surprising disappointment, he never has much to say. But the more Joe comes around, the more she learns about him and soon finds the man is as flawed as the house he's fixing. A fact that only seems to draw her closer to him.

  Meet the Author 

 L. C. Morgan resides with her husband on the outskirts of a small town in the heart of it all. A lover of many things, she puts family first and Diet Coke second. When not working she can be found spoiling her new nephew with lots of love and kisses while awaiting her own little bundle of joy or at home, face shoved in her Kindle, fingers typing away to free the words from her head. She writes them for you and hopes you enjoy them as much as she enjoys yours.


The cabin was dark and gloomy in the moonlight, its stairs even squeakier than mine. I slowly followed him up them, waiting until he flipped on the light before stepping inside. The decor was what I would have expected—nonexistent. A plain brown couch was pressed up against the bare wood wall, a boxed-out TV sitting on a makeshift stand on the opposite wall with a set of rabbit ears on top. There were no curtains or throw pillows. No rugs, no runner on the tiny dining room table. But it was clean, and it was cool, and it smelled like him. My eyes fluttered closed as I breathed him in, the scent so overwhelming I felt myself sway. When I opened them again, he was gone. Glancing from side to side, I stepped further inside and peeked down the hallway, finding a bright light shining from an open door. I hesitantly started for it, smiling when I saw it was the bathroom. A towel and washcloth had been left out on the counter by the sink. I moved inside and closed the door, feeling around and then reaching up to find no lock. “Okay …” I mumbled to myself, turning back to the tub and twisting the handles until the temperature was perfect. Glancing back at the door, I quickly stripped out of my clothes, jumped inside and pulled the curtain shut behind me. The water was searing in the best sort of way, steaming up the room and loosening my sore muscles from a day of angry weed pulling. I could have stood under the hot spray all night, just basking in the forceful water pressure. This shower was so much better than Mona’s. Dipping my head back, I closed my eyes to wet my hair, hurriedly wiping the water from my face when I felt a brush of cool air against my legs. My heart pounded, thinking it was Joe, but it was only the air from the furnace blowing the shower curtain. I couldn’t imagine what I would have done if it had been him. The fact that I wanted to find out had me washing off a little quicker. I didn’t know if I was ready for him to see me naked. I dried off and got dressed as close as I could to the door in order to avoid that accident waiting to happen. If he did ever end up seeing me naked, I wanted to be prepared and not look like a drowned cat if I could help it. When I emerged from the bathroom, he was coming down the hallway, shirtless and with the button of his pants undone. I swallowed, unable to take my eyes off his zipper until he reached out for my towel. “Mind if I use that?” “Uh, yeah.” I handed it over. “I mean, not unless you do.” “Nope.” He slid past me and into the bathroom, setting my bag out in the hallway before cracking the door. I stood outside of it while I listened to him adjust the curtain and turn on the shower, trying to decide if I should just take off or not. I was getting ready to knock and tell him I was leaving when the water suddenly shut off, the shower curtain screeched and the door opened to reveal a mess of towel-dried brown hair and a shiny, wet chest.



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Cover Reveal: Micah (Damage Control, #1) by Jo Raven...

MICAH (Damage Control #1) COVER REVEAL
New Adult contemporary romance
by Jo Raven
Cover by Jo Raven
RELEASE DATE: Dec 16, 2014 in the Red Hot Alphas Boxset


There’s me: Micah Owens. Tattoo artist at Damage Control. No parents or siblings. A past that still gives me nightmares.
And then there’s her: Evangeline, the girl who saved my life and haunts my more pleasant dreams. Only she doesn’t know who I really am, and telling her might well send her fleeing for the hills. She deserves better than a loser like me. She’s pretty. She’s clever. She’s goddamn sexy and has a heart of gold.
Which is why I can’t tell her. A smile from her and I’ll do all I can to make her mine – including pretending to be someone I’m not, someone worth having.
Isn’t love weird?
This is book 1 in the Damage Control series – a series parallel to Inked Brotherhood, so that you’ll find the boys of Inked Brotherhood making appearances here, too. 
MICAH is a stand-alone work. No cliffhanger. 
The expected publication date is Dec 16, 2014 in the Red Hot Alphas Boxset, on all of your favorite e-book websites.

I ring the bell again, and when nothing happens, I check the piece of paper. I’m at the right place. Maybe Rafe made a mistake? Or maybe Micah is not in.
Just when I’m about to turn and go, I think I hear footsteps and push the paper into the pocket of my jacket. I lick my lips, my nervousness returning.
The lock creaks and the door slides open. “Yeah?” a hoarse male voice says, and I catch a glimpse of a suspicious blue eye through the opening.
“Micah? It’s me, Ev.” Oh God, this sounds so lame. I shift my weight again, my leg twinging. “I, um. I forgot my walking stick at the cafe...” I feel ridiculous addressing his eye and not even seeing his whole face. “I was hoping maybe you noticed and got it for me.”
“Ev?” His voice cracks. He turns away and coughs, and the worry gently gnawing at my insides morphs into a voracious monster.
“Are you all right?” My voice goes high-pitched, and I wince. Calm down, Ev. “That cold still hasn’t cleared up?”
“What?” He pulls the door open and leans against it, bracing one arm on the frame. One bare, muscled arm. Attached to his muscular bare chest. “Oh, the cold, yeah. I’m fine.”
Fine. “Why did you stay home if you’re fine?”
He blinks at me, a slow sweep of long lashes against high cheekbones, and I have a moment of oh-crap-I’ve-gone-too-far panic.
But he doesn’t slam the door in my face as I think he might. “Rough night,” he mutters. “Ocean said he’d cover for me at work, so I stayed home to sleep.”
Straightforward. Honest. A rough night. I want to ask what made it rough, but I think I’ve already overstepped the boundaries of our... friendship? Acquaintance?
I drop my gaze from his face, and that’s a mistake. My mind blanks a little as I realize he’s shirtless and barefoot, lounging in front of me in only a pair of gray low-hung, draw-string pants. My gaze slides back up his long legs to his narrow hipbones and a spectacular set of abs, complete with sexy divots forming a V line.
My mouth is honest-to-god watering. I tear my gaze off those lickable abs only for it to be caught by his defined pecs and then his amused sky-blue eyes.
“Is there anything I can do for ya?” he drawls lazily, and I swear my panties get wet at the raspy sound.
Well, wetter.
Which is kind of alarming. No guy has ever had such an effect on me before.
Jo Raven writes New Adult contemporary romance. She loves sexy bad boys and strong-willed heroines, and divides her time between writing and reading. When not cooking up plots, she putters in her cluttered kitchen and dreams of traveling to India and Japan.


Release Event & Giveaway: Heart by Nicola Hudson...


The author is hosting a giveaway to celebrate the release of HEART! Check it out and enter on her Facebook Page!

New Adult Contemporary

Companion Stand - Alone to CURVE

Releasing November 28, 2014

This title is suitable for readers over 15 

Sometimes it doesn’t end with happy ever after.

Neve believes Jake is the one.  She is miles away from home, struggling to fit in at university and missing the people she loves.  The only thing getting her through is the knowledge that Jake will be visiting for the weekend.

Jake believes he isn’t the one.  His family and lifestyle mean he can’t give Neve what she deserves: so much more than him.  He arrives for the weekend, knowing that he has to break her heart, along with his own.

Sometimes we make decisions and have to live with the consequences.

Each of them struggles to cope with the aftermath of the weekend.  Each of them is unhappy.  Each of them refuses to do something about it.

Sometimes it isn’t about a boy meeting a girl and falling in love; sometimes it is about what happens next.

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About the Author

As well as being a writer, I love reading and reading about reading. My taste goes from Shakespeare to John Green...and much of what lies between! Dickens, check. Austen, check. Atwood, check.

Over Christmas 2012, I discovered the joy of new adult fiction and, inspired by Colleen Hoover and Tammara Webber, I decided to try my hand at writing my own NA novel.

I love the friendliness of the Indie writer community and have been overwhelmed by the support of followers interested in my journey. Please feel free to monitor my publishing progress via my Facebook page, Twitter or blog :-)

My first novel, Curve, was released in October 2013. My second novel, Heart, is a standalone companion to Curve and will be released in November 2014.


To celebrate the release of HEART, Nicola Hudson is hosting a giveaway on her Facebook Page!

(1) Signed Print Copy of HEART (International)
(1) eBook Copy of HEART
(1) Nicola Hudson Swag Pack
(1) $20 Donation to the charity of your choice OR a $10 Amazon Gift Card
(1) $20 Donation to the charity of your choice OR a $5 Amazon Gift Card

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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Release Day Promotion & Giveaway: The Law Of Moses by Amy Harmon...

The Law of Moses
by Amy Harmon
Release: 11/27/14
Cover design by: Hang Le

If I tell you right up front, right in the beginning that I lost him, it will be easier for you to bear. You will know its coming, and it will hurt. But youll be able to prepare.

Someone found him in a laundry basket at the Quick Wash, wrapped in a towel, a few hours old and close to death. They called him Baby Moses when they shared his story on the ten oclock news the little baby left in a basket at a dingy Laundromat, born to a crack addict and expected to have all sorts of problems. I imagined the crack baby, Moses, having a giant crack that ran down his body, like hed been broken at birth. I knew that wasnt what the term meant, but the image stuck in my mind. Maybe the fact that he was broken drew me to him from the start.

It all happened before I was born, and by the time I met Moses and my mom told me all about him, the story was old news and nobody wanted anything to do with him. People love babies, even sick babies. Even crack babies. But babies grow up to be kids, and kids grow up to be teenagers. Nobody wants a messed up teenager.

And Moses was messed up. Moses was a law unto himself. But he was also strange and exotic and beautiful. To be with him would change my life in ways I could never have imagined. Maybe I should have stayed away. Maybe I should have listened. My mother warned me. Even Moses warned me. But I didnt stay away.

And so begins a story of pain and promise, of heartache and healing, of life and death. A story of before and after, of new beginnings and never-endings. But most of all...a love story.

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1. My Mom & Dad ~ No matter how many mistakes I've made in my life they've always been there to catch me. Hold me up. Love me. I couldn't ask for better parents. 

2. My Husband ~ Through all our ups and downs over 15 years of marriage he still supports me, loves me and makes me laugh like no one else can. 

3. My Sister ~  My best friend. I couldn't ask for better. I wouldn't want to share our nightly talks of  books (even with the constant interruptions from kids talking to dogs barking to husbands grumbling) along with the total obsession of all that is Charlie Hunnam (Jax Teller) with anyone else. 

4. Belle ~ There is nothing better than the unconditional love of a dog. 

5. The Twilight Saga ~ Not only are they great books by themselves but they opened up a whole world of  stories and characters, created by some amazing authors, that I never could have imagined. I had no idea that a book, I borrowed from my niece to pass the time on the airplane, would have created such an addiction.   

5 Greats Giveaway
1 Kindle Paperwhite
1 $50 Amazon giftcard
3 signed copies of The Law of Moses 

Amy Harmon knew at an early age that writing was something she wanted to do, and she divided her time between writing songs and stories as she grew. Having grown up in the middle of wheat fields without a television, with only her books and her siblings to entertain her, she developed a strong sense of what made a good story.
Amy Harmon has been a motivational speaker, a grade school teacher, a junior high teacher, a home school mom, and a member of the Grammy Award winning Saints Unified Voices Choir, directed by Gladys Knight. She released a Christian Blues CD in 2007 called What I Know” – also available on Amazon and wherever digital music is sold. She has written five novels, Running Barefoot, Slow Dance in Purgatory, Prom Night in Purgatory, the New York Times Bestseller, A Different Blue, Making Faces and most recently, Infinity + One.  
Her newest book, The Law of Moses releases November 27, 2014.

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