Friday, October 31, 2014

Cover Reveal: Obsession by S. M. Phillips...

OBSESSION Cover Reveal: S.M Phillips



Anna Jameson can't wait to escape the hell hole that her cousin has left her in. Desperate to escape her past, the idea of moving to stay with Holly whilst she got her head together sounded like the perfect plan... Until Holly upped and left, leaving Anna to pick up the mess that she left behind.

Jensen Blake knows what he wants and will not be told otherwise. Obedience and control are what he knows best. With demons of his own, he has spent most of his adult life traveling from place to place the moment things started to become predictable. 

When Jensen and Anna are pushed together, an instant dislike simmers between them. Anna hates bad boys. She has witnessed enough of them to last her a lifetime. The sexual attraction between them is evident but will that only make things harder for them both to handle?


About the Author:
Welcome to the crazy and hectic life that is me... A fun, loving mum of one special little boy, girlfriend (I'm sure it should be wife by now!!) and an overall crazy, happy go lucky girl from England.

I have always had a passion for reading and writing. Wherever I am, my book reader is never far behind along with a mug of coffee. I found myself wanting to write from a young age, I have quite a few hidden stories on my computer somewhere, maybe I will have to dig them out and play around with them at some point.

S.M Phillip’s debut Novel Escape Down under was released in July 2014 with the second installment Fallen Down Under due for release on November 2nd 2014.

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Book Spotlight: Stolen Innocence by S. M. Stryker...

Haunted by her years of abuse, Parker Dane tries to leave her past behind her to start a new life in a new city. She meets Ian Blake; actually she runs into him multiple times, but always runs away before learning his name. Ian can't get Parker out of his mind and he doesn't even know her name.

Ian finally gets his opportunity to meet Parker, and he will do anything in his power to keep her from running away from him again. Parker has years of demons and fears bottled up inside her; she knows that if Ian finds out her secrets, she will lose him forever; no one wants damaged goods. Will Ian make her run away again or will her past catch up to her trying to pull her back.

"All my life I thought it would be just me and nothing more. Then you come along and you change my way of thinking; you make me want more. Until you, I never considered the possibilities," I say as I run my hand over his cheek.

Taking a deep breath, I begin to talk but my voice is as quiet as a whisper. "You want to know what my demons are? What my deepest darkest secret is?" My voice has a tone of resignation.
"Yes, you need to let it out, Parker." He says it as if that will make all things better. Little does he know.

It is warm out, and I have already drunk most of my water. I stop by a Benson Bubbler to refill my bottle. I have Imagine Dragons playing loudly on my iPhone. I am dancing to the music while filling my bottle, to keep my muscles warm, not paying any attention to anything around me. I am just starting to put the lid on my water bottle when someone taps me on the shoulder, scaring the living shit out of me. I flinch, swinging my arms as water flies everywhere, soaking myself and the person who tapped my shoulder. Shocked, I turn to see who tapped me as I see water running down the face of...Oh, my God! It's tall, dark, and dimple.

S.M. Stryker grew up on a small farm in Oregon with her two brothers.
She married her husband 27 years ago. It was important to her to be able to stay at home to raise their four daughters.
She wasn't an avid reader, although she always thought her life would make a good book. A few years ago, she picked up FSOG and The Crossfire Series and was drawn to the characters; the storylines moved her more than anything. Her life changed at that point. She could relate to the characters and what they had gone through. She devoured books after that, sometimes reading 8-10 books a week, and finding new authors that she enjoyed reading. She couldn't be without a book, her iPad, or iPhone; anything that she could download her kindle app onto.
Knowing she had always wanted to write but kept putting it off, she emailed a few of her favorite authors that gave her some very good advice. So she finally went for it.

Promo Sale Blitz & Giveaway: Empathy by Ker Dukey...


Title: Empathy

Author: Ker Dukey

Genre: Dark Romance/Erotic Suspense






I am a brother
I am a police detective 
I am a contract killer 
I don’t want to love 
I don’t want to feel 
I don’t want … EMPATHY.

They say some people are born with decreased activity in the front central lobe causing them a deficiency in empathy. Maybe that’s true about me but whether I was born this way or created in a moment of evil, empathy was something I didn’t possess until her green eyes met mine in the mirror and I couldn’t take her life.

I didn’t want to feel, didn’t want this woman in my life complicating how I lived but she was there at every turn. Sent to haunt me for my sins. Her light so bright she provoked a shadow from everyone she touched. When a job turns bad quickly altering my life forever I’m forced to feel. When nothing is making sense I’m forced to face truths I never would recover from. When life drowns you in its cruelty you don’t know which way the current will drag you or who you’ll become once you re-surface.

I was a daughter
I was a student 
I was a victim
Did I have his love?
Did I make him feel?
Did I have his empathy? 

When the actions of a soulless killer forces sorrow into my veins I never dreamed the man healing my wounds would be the one to leave the worst scar. His love would scar my soul. Scars are permanent; I will never feel the relief from them. Will I learn to live with them, remember why I have them and learn never to let him close enough to inflict more? Will I eventually cover them… like tattoos coating them with new memories, new love and new starts? I didn’t know these answers because the pain was too suffocating, the only thing I knew was they will always be under the surface lingering. He had scars too, from his sins. There is nothing that can cover them, they were too deep, too ugly, too dark and they marked us both forever.



Ker Dukey

I have always had a passion for storytelling, whether it be through lyrics or bed time stories with my sisters. I wanted to be an actress growing up so I could live many roles but I learned early on that my mind was too active... I would want to change the script.I would watch films and think of ways they could of improved the story if they took another direction so i thought it best that i tell my own. My mum would always have a book in her hand when I was young and passed on her love for reading, inspiring me to venture into writing my own. I tend to have a darker edge to my writing. Not all love stories are made from light, some are created in darkness but are just as powerful and worth telling. When I'm not lost in the world of characters I love spending time with my family. I'm a mum and that comes first in my life but when I do get down time I love attending music concerts or reading events with my younger sister. You can find me on facebook where I love interacting with my readers.


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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Whatever You Do (Try Again Series, #2) by Stephanie Smith...

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Title: Whatever You Do (Try Again, #2)
Author: Stephanie Smith
Release Date: January 15, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance


How do you trust someone who is everything you’re trying to avoid?

Harper Lindell is having a bad day. You know, if a bad day consists of getting fired from your cushy job and then catching your boyfriend red handed playing hide the salami. Sick of meeting the same guys over and over, Harper decides to try her luck at Internet dating. How bad could it be? Right? 

  Tate Washington wasn’t looking to meet anyone. Still dealing with the consequences of his one serious relationship, all he’s interested in is revamping his family’s behind-the-times café. He didn’t plan on seeing the beautiful receptionist from Argo again, walking into his life to use his café as a dating hub, and using him as a BFF. Can Harper really trust Tate, who is everything she thinks she needs to steer clear of? Can Tate wait while Harper works through her insecurities and fears?    


“Andrew?” I question as I reach the table. “Yes. Harper, hello.” He shakes my hand and the first thing I notice are his warm eyes. They are gentle and sincere and I feel instantly comfortable with him. “Take a seat, please.” He gestures to my seat before pulling it out for me to sit in. I smile up at him in thanks for the chivalrous action as I slide into the chair. During our emails back and forth this week, Andrew and I had figured out that we are from similar small towns not far from each other. We laugh about all the misguided town folk and the classic ‘types’ every town has. The town clown who has thought of every invention under the sun, the do-gooder mayor, the old lady gossip group, and the crazy minister and his family. Of course I didn’t laugh at that last one, as true as it is, being the daughter of a minister and all. “So what do your parents do?” Andrew asks. “Umm.” I stall looking for a distraction, not wanting to make to him feel bad. “What can I get you guys?” Tate offers and I’m grateful for the interruption. “Oh gosh I haven’t even looked yet,” Andrew says as he picks up the menu from the table. “Just the usual for me please.” As my eyes reach Tate’s his are wide with horror. I sit upright at the urgency in his expression wondering what the hell is going on. He nods his head in Andrew’s direction and I glance over. Andrew is studying the menu oblivious to mine and Tate’s silent conversation. I look back at Tate giving him a ‘what’ look as he scratches his head then stiffly nods back in Andrew’s direction. I sigh frustrated and look back at Andrew. He looks up from his menu and smiles at me before turning to Tate and placing his order. I still don’t see a problem and look back to Tate with a ‘just fucking tell me’ look. He begins running his hand through his hair as he harshly nods in Andrew’s direction again. I don’t even bother looking at Andrew again, knowing I’m not going to see anything different than before. With wide eyes and a clenched jaw, I get out through gritted teeth, “I think that’s all.” Tate sighs heavily, clearly frustrated and storms away from the table. I shake my head and when I turn back to Andrew he is staring at me in confusion. “Sorry,” I giggle embarrassed he witnessed that final interaction between Tate and me. “No worries.” He is sweet but his voice is wary. Tate and I probably looked like two mute idiots. How humiliating. Andrew seamlessly continues our conversation. I use this opportunity to study him and search for the meaning of Tate’s irrational display. I didn’t really focus on Andrew’s features before. He’s not ugly, but he’s definitely not in the same calibre as Tate or Glenn. Now that I’m looking closer at him, there is something off about his looks. I can’t put my finger on it but something doesn’t fit. It has to be something small like his eyes aren’t in line or his facial features are too far apart, maybe bad teeth or ears that are too big or small, but I can’t see any of that. All his features seem symmetrical and in proper proportion to his face, but something is definitely not right. Out of the corner of my eye I see Tate flailing his arms about. I shoot a glance his way trying not to be noticeable only to see he is frantically running his hand through his hair before tugging on the ends. No, tugging is too tame, he is pulling hard on his hair. I glance around the café and no one has seemed to notice Tate’s complete and mental breakdown. He’s lost it. Maybe it’s all the coffee fumes, they are really strong in here. When I look back towards Tate he is on his way over to the table carrying our hot drinks. I roll my eyes at his determined stare and wonder what antics he has planned for us this time. Tate doesn’t falter as he strides towards the table and proceeds to drop a hot cup of coffee all over the table and into Andrew’s lap. I gasp in shock at what is unfolding in front of me. Andrew jumps from his seat, squealing like a small girl. I watch horrified as his hair falls off his head and lands on the table in front of me. My mouth drops open as I just stare at Andrew’s toupee lying in spilt coffee. Glancing up at Andrew I see the heat rising on his face and shiny bald head. I smile awkwardly at him as I pick up his hairpiece and hold it out to him as if it’s a pair of dirty underwear and I can’t stand to touch it. He quickly swipes it from my hand and places it on his head, but not before I notice his whole head, bright red in mortification. It’s like a beacon calling in planes for landing. Andrew stares at me, his hairpiece on backwards and coffee leaking from it, dripping all down his face. “I’m so sorry Andrew,” I whisper, as I place both my hands over my mouth. Shit, I can feel the laughter rising. “No, I’m sorry Harper.” My gut churns on his behalf at the humiliation he must be feeling. The silence of the café surrounds us, lucky it’s not overly busy at this time of night. Andrew glares at Tate who smiles and raises his hands innocently, before Andrew storms out of the café not breathing another word, just leaving a trail of coffee in his wake. “You’re welcome,” Tate says casually as he pulls a clean chair up to the table, before relaxing back into it and crossing his ankles in front of him.  

Wherever You Will Go (Try Again, #1)
Wherever you will go-ebooklg

Brooke Willis had everything she ever wanted: a happy marriage, volunteer placement at the art gallery, and the promise of starting a family with the man of her dreams.
Saxon Reed had everything he ever thought he needed: a successful career, nice cars, expensive apartment, and more money than he knew what to do with. After losing her husband Brooke insists on taking over his company to keep his dreams alive. Struggling in an industry she knows nothing about, Brooke turns to Saxon, her husband’s best friend and business partner, for guidance and support. Their mutual grief, and Saxon’s need to look after his best friend’s wife, creates a connection beyond just business. Can Brooke take over the company and find a new life without saying goodbye to the past? Can Saxon protect and care for Brooke without scaring her away? What happens when your heart doesn’t listen to your head? When lines are crossed and boundaries are pushed?  

About the Author
10341938_1449624871973501_3416900731231402361_n   I'm first & foremost a reader & fangirl, I will always be first & foremost a reader & fangirl. I am on street teams, I pimp and I brag. I LOVE my Authors!! I have recently started writing as a way to relax and spend some time for me. My first novel Wherever You Will Go is due to release later this year. I'm having so much fun writing my first story and I'm looking forward to the journey it is taking me on.


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Release Blitz & Giveaway: Song Bird Freed (Song Bird Trilogy, #3) by Lisa Edward...

My name is Tara O’Connell, and I’ve always believed we control our own fate. That life is a journey with many roads, and the choices we make can shape our future.

Life has presented me with two paths and I’ve chosen one.

Was it right? Did I make the best decision?

After the uncertainty of the last twelve months, my destiny is now crystal-clear to me. I have a man I love more than words can express, a thriving business, and the best friends anyone could ask for. But just when I thought I could put the turmoil of my past behind me and move on, a life-changing phone call has rocked me to the core and turned my life upside-down once more.

To make matters worse, influences outside my control have taken hold and are shattering my perfect world.

But some things are worth fighting for.

Dreams can come true and I’ll do everything in my power to make them happen. But dreams can also be smashed into tiny pieces, and no matter how hard we fight or how hard we wish for something to be, sometimes with the hand we’ve been dealt, we can never win.

While Lisa Edward has called Melbourne Australia home for her entire life, she has lived and worked in England, and travelled through most parts of Europe and the United States. She loves nothing more than spending time with her husband and beautiful daughter, or curling up into the early hours of the morning with a great novel. By day, Lisa works in the analytical IT field, so relishes the opportunity to foster her creative side through writing. Her deep appreciation for literature was nurtured from a young age, being taught to respect books and get lost in their stories. She enjoys reading honest and realistic novels that are relatable, thought provoking and leave a lasting impression. She can’t write without music playing, using the emotions from different songs to invoke that of her characters. Lisa takes inspiration from her own life experiences, the people around her and those she has met in her travels.

Other Books in the Series

Book 1: Songbird

Book 2: Songbird Caged