Author: Shari
Genre: Contemporary Romance /
Paranormal Elements
Release Date: May 11,
“Hello, Pittsburgh! You ready to
Nicks Sorenson, guitarist extraordinaire for the band Wild
Angel, has a lot going on during her last year of high school. In fact, she sometimes wonders if
someone has painted a bull’s eye on her forehead.
Stone Jensen, lead guitarist for the band Heavy Remedy, shows
up everywhere she plays despite the bad blood between them. The high school principal is
targeting her with endless detentions for some reason. And she’s starting to wonder if her mother is
losing her mind.
Life soon spins into chaos for the Sorenson family. It began
when Nicks learned the name of the dead musician who’d willed her his four guitars. Then came the
dreams of a man shrouded in mist. She doesn’t recognize him, but he seems to know
As the strange occurrences escalate, Nicks goes on an
unexpected—and painful—journey into the past.
She’s about to learn what you don’t know can hurt
*Buy book 1 of the Rock'n Tapestries
“Asher Pratt had been a drug for me, and I wasn’t sure I wasn’t
still addicted.”
Chelsea Whitaker works as a waitress at Tapestries, a trendy
Pittsburgh bar. She’s doing her best to avoid Asher Pratt, the Pittsburgh rock legend who shattered
her heart years ago.
When he takes a job at Tapestries just to be near her, Chelsea
has some decisions to make.
She soon discovers that some things never change. It’s all she
can do to keep a tight hold on her heart as Asher takes her for another wild
As she struggles to gain some perspective on their
relationship, she learns that he’s never needed her more. She must put the past aside for the sake of
the future.

Wild Angel - Excerpt
Stone prowled from one corner of the
platform to the other with his guitar then stepped back to the mic to sing. The man sure knew how
to whip people into a frenzy. Nicks played to the crowd in one corner, then turned her attention to
Stone. She met him in the middle, thrusting her guitar at him with her pelvis. He clutched his chest
and staggered back, feigning a heart attack. She laughed and went after him, cornering him against
one of the light supports.
She couldn’t explain it, but being up there
with him felt sexual. He was hotter than hell, and if they were a thing, the only task left to do was
make it official. She stared into his eyes as she played, silently making promises she intended to
keep. Tonight.
He turned to the crowd, begging them with
his eyes for a rescue. Willow had said she came across like a ten-foot-tall warrior woman when she
played. That’s exactly how she felt sharing a stage with Stone Jensen. She finally backed away and
freed him from captivity against the support. For the time being, anyway.
About Shari*
Though I write contemporary
romance under the name Shari Copell, my real name is Sherry Jesberger.
I write a historical
fantasy/paranormal romance series under the name S.L. Jesberger.I am an eleventh
generation native of Pennsylvania. My husband Gordon and I raised three lovely daughters,
one of whom designs my book covers. Another daughter drew the map in the front cover of my
historical fantasy series.
I’ve always had stories swirling through my head. Crazy stuff,
totally whack situations. I was a voracious reader as a child, choosing to escape into the world of
books. I wrote stories when I was a teen, but quit as I grew up. (Keep in mind, there were no
computers then. Writing a book or story consisted of a brand-new notebook and a ballpoint pen.) I
found some of these early stories as I cleaned out my grandmother’s house after she passed.
Unfortunately, I threw them away.
I started writing again in 2012 after my husband lost his job. Aislin
of Arianrhod was published in October of that year. I immediately began to work on the second
book in the series, Winter’s Child.
Sometime in the middle of writing Winter’s Child, I had the
inexplicable urge to swear like sailor, use modern vernacular, and write steamy sex scenes. I was
amused and tried to push it aside. The language in a historical fantasy is obviously much different
from a contemporary romance, so I had to behave myself.
I finally just thought, fuck it. I’ll do it. It was during that time
that I started to write “Micah’s Island.” I simply needed to purge the wild story that had taken over
my brain by then. It was so much fun to write. What would happen if you met a man who
had never seen a grown woman before?
I chose the pen name Shari Copell because Micah’s Island was so
very different from the Àlainnshire series. Copella was my grandmother’s maiden name—I just
dropped the A.
For the most part, people seemed to like Micah, though he was a
man of few words. I got some nice (and not so nice) emails about it, mostly from people
wanting a better ending. I promptly wrote them one.
I wasn’t sure I would ever write another contemporary romance
until Rock’n Tapestries dropped into my head, nearly complete from beginning to end (though I did
run some things past Tara Chevrestt, who edits for me. Her suggestions were invaluable.)
You just have to indulge your muse when that happens, as it doesn’t happen
In the meantime, rock on!
*Connect with Shari*