Collateral (Blood & Roses), Book Six
RELEASE DATE: October 14th, 2014
The final instalment of Zeth & Sloane's story is here!
With Lacey missing and everything falling apart, Sloane and Zeth will do everything they can to get her back. If that includes facing off against Charlie Holsan, the DEA, and anyone else who gets in their way, then so be it.
Faced with heartbreak, danger, and the increasing need to protect the ones he loves, Zeth Mayfair is finally realizing what it means to have a family. With her fears coming full circle, Sloane must learn that forgiveness is the only way to move forward.
“Pain is a strange thing, Sloane,” he says softly. “People have entirely the wrong idea about it. From birth, children are coddled and panicked over when they hurt themselves, so they grow up believing it’s a bad thing. As soon as their nerve endings start sending feedback to the brain, their fear receptors kick in. They freak the fuck out. What do they teach you in medical school about pain?”
“It’s a survival technique,” I whisper.
Zeth moves closer—I can sense him standing before me. All I need to do is reach up and touch him, but I know I shouldn’t. It’s not my role. “Right,” Zeth says. “But that doesn’t mean we should be afraid of it. We should embrace it. Relish it. Know the limits of our pain, and understand what we can tolerate.” Something hard presses against my cheek, and my hands, resting on top of my thighs, automatically curl into fists. “I know what you can tolerate, Sloane. I’ve told you that before, and you’ve trusted me. Do you trust me now?”
“Yes. I trust you.”

Blood & Roses Series by Callie Hart (Series is Complete)
Amazon US:
Barnes & Noble:
Fracture (Blood & Roses, Book Two)
Amazon US:
Burn (Blood & Roses, Book Three)
Amazon US:
B & N:
Fallen (Blood & Roses, Four)
Amazon US:
B & N:
Twisted (Blood & Roses, Five)
Amazon US:
B & N:
Callie Hart is an obsessive romantic who loves throwing a dark twist into her stories. Her characters are imperfect, flawed individuals who dictate when she eats, sleeps and breathes. Callie's Internationally Bestselling Blood & Roses series has garnered well over 1000 5 star reviews.
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