My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Fire & Ice was another book that I was looking forward to reading. Pepper & Griffin have been fighting their way through Love Hate Relationship and Wildflower. I couldn't wait to find out where all that hatred between them originated from.
I really enjoyed their story and loved when they got together but the fighting wore me down. I just wanted Pepper to talk it out with Griffin and get past all the hurt. I admit that it took me a while to like Griffin. From the constant antagonizing of Pepper to finding out the reason why he reacted the way he did with Pepper in the past just made me want to nut punch him. lol He states to her a couple times that he is an a$$hole and I had to agree. But he eventually did win me over in a big way and I couldn't help but love him for Pepper. If he hadn't won my heart already...the epilogue would have done it!! Oh...I really loved him for the present that he gave her and especially what was inside of it. So good!!
I loved seeing some of my favorites...Navie & Rowan and Dex & Wendy. I can't wait for Richard's book. OMG...the cat cracks me up. Between the name and the way it reacts to Griffin was just too much!!
A great start to this spin~off series that I'm expecting more great stories from in the future. Looking forward to seeing Pepper & Griffin and the rest of the gang again. I'm all in!!
***ARC provided for review as part of the FIRE & ICE by Jessica Prince Blog Tour by Love Affair With Fiction. Thank you so much.
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